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четверг, 25 сентября 2014 г.

ISISI Are not Moslim and they have been created by ISI Pakistan And USA AND UK Against Syria and Iraq. I wonder why Now when USA AND UK Sow that Syrian government do not give up and they become stronger so UK and USA stop funding any more and fight against them ??what kind of game going one ? why USA /UK think people AROUND THE WORLD are stupid ?? Now as you see this crature moved to Baluchistan and work with ISI Pakistan start killing Baloch People in the name of God of Pakistan. Not god of Islam. So i want to ask big boss UK /USA if you want to fight with this reature so fight everywhere even in Occupied Baluchistan. to not only in Gulf .
And stupid Arab are sleeping do not understand that USA /UK use Arab against the Arab UAE,SAUDI,QATAR,BAHRAIN Wake up and do not involve in this dirty Pakistani ISI ,Uk USA war i promise you that this USA UK Using you for their own benefit's how long you want to be sleeping and be a slave?. USA /UK Will leave you along one day you will cry for a daily bread GULF WAKE UP.ISISI Created By USA AND UK now they have to clean their ass them self why you involving ?? USA UK ISI Of Pakistan go and leave Occupied Baluchistan along. We Bluch Nation are peaceful Nation and do not want this creature in our Land. lease stop your game and drama around the world go and sell your weapons somewhere else not in Middle east. Stop help and funding your slave's Pakistani Your funding are killing innocent People .Do you know what humanity is?

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